
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

 A small number of healthcare staff have left Carmarthenshire Council after joining from a private company which the authority said was facing financial difficulties.

Around 85 Allied Healthcare staff joined the council’s in-house service last year.

The Local Democracy Reporter Service has heard a suggestion that around 20 have decided to leave, but the council has indicated that the number is far smaller.

Councillor Jane Tremlett, executive board for social care, said: “All Allied Healthcare staff who transferred over are now council employees, and every member of staff was offered the opportunity to transfer.

“We are working closely with all affected staff to transfer onto amended contracts as soon as possible.”

She said this would happen sometime after April due to “the paucity of information” provided by their former employers, although she said all were offered the chance to transfer onto the council’s local Government pension scheme.

Cllr Tremlett added: “We are doing all we can to transfer the majority of staff on to full new council contracts well before July so they can benefit from better terms and conditions than those provided by Allied Healthcare.”

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