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Helen Mary Jones MS calls for more financial support and accommodation for people self-isolating

PLAID Cymru MS Helen |Mary Jones has called for increased financial support and isolation accommodation to enable people to isolate safely

Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister for the Economy, Helen Mary Jones MS, said,

“With positive cases in Wales rising to record levels it is crucial that the reporting of data is both timely and robust. The public need a complete and current picture of the situation to realise the gravity of what we are facing. We need urgent reassurance that the failings have been addressed.

“I fear that the Welsh Government is losing control of the situation. The latest data saga shows that the situation is far worse than expected and tighter restrictions must now be introduced earlier in areas that have reached the Tier 4 threshold – based on the basis of rationality to reflect local levels of Coronavirus cases.

“However, restrictions alone though are not the answer. Test, trace, support and isolate must all work together. People need to be encouraged to self-isolate where necessary with increased financial support and isolation accommodation, businesses forced to close need to be able to hibernate fully and the test and trace system needs to significantly increase the amount of close contacts it reaches with 24 hours.

“It is this lack of a clear strategy and messaging that is seeing the Government’s credibility waning and it’s struggling to take the public with it more and more each day.”

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