During the last Business statement of the Senedd term Mid and West MS Helen Mary Jones called for immediate support...
helen mary jones MS
AN "ambitious approach" will be required for post-Covid recovery, Plaid Cymru has warned. A report from the Bevan Foundation has...
PLAID Cymru MS Helen Mary Jones gave a flavour of some of the sustainable travel policies that a Plaid Cymru...
NO excuse for lack of funding for self-employed says Plaid Cymru's Helen Mary Jones Plaid Cymru calls on the Welsh...
IN response to the current situation for Welsh University students Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister for Post-16 Education, Helen Mary Jones...
MID and West MS Helen Mary Jones has issued a warning that a No Deal could hit the Welsh steel...
PLAID Cymru MS Helen |Mary Jones has called for increased financial support and isolation accommodation to enable people to isolate...
MID and West MS Helen Mary Jones, attended the Christmas Market in Kidwelly and listened to shop owners concerns in...
PLAID Cymru has called an expansion of the economic powers devolved to Wales, including lifting of borrowing restrictions. Helen Mary...
PLAID Cymru Mid and West MS Helen Mary Jones has redoubled her efforts to fight for the pensions for 1950s...