
Wales News Online

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Helen Mary Jones MS calls for Welsh Government intervention in Tata Steel talks

HELEN Mary Jones MS has questioned why the Welsh Government hasn’t got a place at the table for discussions about the future of Tata Steel. In a statement issued today, the Plaid Cymru MS said:

“We understand that Tata Steel has been in talks with UK Government about their future in the UK, but the question must be asked – where is Welsh Government in all of this? Welsh Government must insist they are at the table when these talks are happening, so that they’re not learning about decisions second hand. We cannot rely on Westminster to make the best decision for our working communities, let alone the best decision for Wales.

“I’m also concerned about reports that suggest Tata Steel has not consulted with its workforce. We do not want a situation where workers are faced with a ‘take it or leave it’ decision, after everything has already been agreed. I am seeking reassurance that the company has been consulting its workforce at all stages.”

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