
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

AT least 700 people have queued to be screened for Tuberculosis (TB) screening and blood tests at a clinic in Llwynhendy.

Public Health Wales officials and doctors have been dealing with a long queue of people for the last two days and it is set to continue as more people come forward for checks, following an outbreak in the community.

Dr Brendan Mason (pictured) from Public Health Wales told us that they were looking for people who had been at the Joiners Arms between 2009 – 2010.

Dr Mason said: “There are people in the area that have come along and that’s fine but we really are looking for those people who had contact in the Joiners Arms at that time. On the whole most people realise that this is a time consuming process and we have extended the plans with a new session tomorrow staring at 8.00.”

You can listen to the full interviews here.

Listen to the audio interviews here,  courtesy of David Hurford.


Llwynhendy TB from Llanelli Online on Vimeo.

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