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Kidwelly’s Gareth Beer standing for Senedd through frustration at ‘same old’ Welsh politics

Gareth Beer standing as candidate for Reform UK in Llanelli Gareth Beer is the standing Senedd candidate for Reform UK – Wales (formerly the Brexit party) at the next Welsh Parliament elections held on Thursday May 6.

Gareth who lives in the constituency area, is standing for the first time in these elections. He is a Kidwelly Town Councillor, Community Hall Committee Trustee, small business owner, husband and dad to 4 children.

Gareth Beer said: “I have been frustrated with our politicians and political parties for many years and although I am certainly not a career politician, I felt it was time to make a stand and speak boldly for those wanting to see change and reform in Wales.

“We have not seen any real opposition with our main parties and have not seen many healthy debates. There has been no real opposition, and I don’t mean opposition just for opposition sake, but for sense and balance in our politics. I am pleased to see that Reform UK have, like the other major parties 40 candidates, from all walks of life, standing in all seats in Wales. This means, every voter in Wales now have a real alternative choice to the current parties.

“Reform UK Wales is a credible party standing to serve the people of Wales and will be able to challenge the cosy consensus in the Senedd. People tell me, it will be a challenge to change voters from the party they have always voted for and this is true in one way. However, given what has happened in the last year, people are desperate to see change and looking for an alternative voice to represent them. We have seen Labour lead Wales for over 20 years and sadly we are lagging behind in almost every measures from our children’s education, to health and to economic growth. “We need to think bigger, do things smarter, not hold Wales back and support the people to achieve its true potential.”

“Voters have two votes on May 6, one for the Llanelli Constituency and one for the Region. Even if you voted for another party in your constituency but voted for Reform UK in your region. Then if 1 in 10 of the people vote Reform UK, this will elect us to the Welsh Parliament. The election uses proportional representation so every vote counts.

“I encourage people, even if they have never engaged with politics before, now is the time to do so, our country really do need you. You have the opportunity to help reform politics in Wales, which we desperately need and start to see some fresh faces and not just the same career politicians.

“I was pleased to see the party’s ‘Contract with the People of Wales’ launch on Wednesday April 21 where we have made a range of pledges to the people of Wales in several areas. The full details can be found here: https://bit.ly/3gwtO68 Gareth added:

“If elected, my key priorities is to reopen Wales fully. No full scale lockdown again; we now have the vaccines, new treatments and a knowledge of who is at risk from Covid-19, we can use this information to manage the disease without full scale-scale lockdowns. At least 750,000 people and counting have lost paid work as a result of lockdowns across the UK, the diagnosis and treatment of serious illnesses such as cancer has fallen significantly and the economic fallout and long term health implications are yet to emerge. We need an intelligent approach to avoid further damage. I will also support the self-employed and SMEs to get trading again; these people are the backbone to the Welsh economy and to help Llanelli create good well paid jobs and opportunities.

“We have some amazing talent, people, businesses and attractions in the Llanelli constituency. As staycations holidays are more likely in the future, we need to nurture and grow what we already have here and to grow our tourism potential. I’d love to be involved and influence the potential and capability of Llanelli and the wider communities – from Llangennech to Pontyberem, up to Mountain Road in Trimaran, where you can view the stunning beauty of wider Llanelli area and the stunning beaches of Pembrey and Burry Port to the ancient town of Kidwelly with its stunning Castle. Llanelli had a very successful food and drinks festival last year and much credit has to be given to the organisers of the event.

“I will do all that I can so Llanelli and its surrounding communities becomes a vibrant and safe place to live, work and visit.

“I pledge to serve the people of Llanelli and to let you, the people steer the direction of growing your town and communities, to help you and not hold back Llanelli to unleash its potential to prosper and grow.”

You can engage with Gareth on Twitter and Facebook @garethreformuk

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