
Wales News Online

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A new project to capture life in lockdown has been launched by Carmarthenshire libraries.

The Life in Lockdown project will give Carmarthenshire residents the opportunity to contribute their memories of the unprecedented period to help future generations understand the impact the Coronavirus pandemic had on people’s lives.

By gathering photographs, stories, experiences, poems, diary entries, social media screenshots, drawings, or anything else people wish to contribute, the libraries will be able to record how local people adapted. Some of the information libraries are interested in recording include

  • how people kept in touch with family and friends
  • how birthdays, weddings and other events and personal milestones were celebrated.
  • how shopping changed
  • whether people used the time to focus on home improvements, baking, hobbies, learning new skills, etc
  • how people maintained their physical and mental well-being
  • how home-schooling worked
  • how children coped in general
  • the ‘Clap for Carers’
  • how people’s working lives changed
  • how people managed while places of worship were closed

Everyone is invited to take part, from front-line workers and those who have had to adjust to working from home, to redeployed and furloughed staff.  Local care homes and schools are encouraged to join in to illustrate how much everyday life has been affected.  Local writers, artists and photographers can also present their observations and reflections on the crisis.

Although life was on standby in many ways, there were special events such as VE Day and various religious festivals which went ahead.  People found different ways to celebrate and descriptions of online concerts and Zoom get-togethers would be a wonderful addition.

The libraries would also like to capture people’s reactions and feelings as the lockdown restrictions are eased and families can meet again, with businesses re-opening, and ‘staycations’ becoming a more appealing/practical option for holidays.

For further information on how to submit your entry email libraries@carmarthenshire.gov.uk

There will be an option to remain anonymous.

A selection of contributions will be displayed in Carmarthenshire’s three main libraries later in the year, and the information will then be added to our local collection for future generations.

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