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More members wanted for Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority youth committee

MORE young people are wanted for the National Park’s youth committee as it plans for its future.

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s youth committee has been holding its meetings online during lockdown and is looking for new members to get involved.

Members of the authority heard on Wednesday (May 5) that “recruitment and retention” were an issue but there was still lots of positive work underway, including plans to introduce its own page on the park’s website and the first face-to-face litter pick planned for the weekend.

The youth committee is made up of Pembrokeshire residents aged 14 to 25, and those over 16 can also get involved with the organisation’s youth rangers.

Authority chairman Cllr Paul Harries said he was “really please it’s continuing in these difficult circumstances” and highlighted the work of discovery ranger Tom Moses with the youth provision.

Mr Moses has said online that youth members have renamed their provision as National Park Next Generation, with anyone interested in nature and the national park, practical work outdoors or developing policy and practice of the authority and other organisations relating to young people encouraged to get involved.

Anyone interested can find out more from Tom via tomm@pembrokeshirecoast.org.uk or 07773788205,  or on Facebook at facebook.com/PCNPAYourPark

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