
Wales News Online

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MP accepts police caution following arrest on suspicion of assault

JONATHAN Edwards the MP for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr has accepted a police caution after an incident at his home where he was arrested on 20 May on suspicion of assault.

Accepting a caution is an admission of guilt and details will be retained in police records.

The MP has referred himself to Plaid Cymru’s internal disciplinary committee and been suspended from the party.

Alun Ffred Jones, the chairman of Plaid Cymru, said: “We are aware of the personal statement made by Mr. Edwards, who recognises his actions fall below what is expected.

In a personal statement, Mr. Edwards said,

”I am deeply sorry. It is by far the biggest regret of my life. I complied fully with the police and acted with the best interests of my wife and children as my primary motive throughout.”

Adding “My priority now is to work with my wife to ensure as stable a future as possible for our family.”

His wife, Emma Edwards also released a statement, saying

“I have accepted my husband’s apology.

“Throughout the decade we have been together he has been a loving and caring husband and father. As far as I am concerned the matter is now closed.”




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