
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

DURING the period of the Coronavirus pandemic Mudiad Meithrin will earmark the first week of June as ‘Welsh at Home Week’. We’re responding to some concerns that children will not hear the usual language heard in Cylch Meithrin (Welsh-medium playgroup) sessions during the pandemic and provide practical support to non-Welsh speaking parents.

The Mudiad’s ‘Welsh at Home Week’ (1 – 5 June) will feature a host of fun and practical activities for children under 5 and their parents at home.

At 10.00 on Monday, June 1, Clwb Cylch (#ClwbCylch) will be launched on our digital platforms when sessions will broadcast every Monday to Friday morning at 10.00 based on the experience of a fun-filled session with an experienced Cylch Meithrin leader to support families. These 20 minute daily sessions will continue for a few weeks, with each week having a different theme.

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, Chief Executive of Mudiad Meithrin, said:

“The aim of ‘Clwb Cylch’ is to try to recreate some of the fun and excitement of the Cylch Meithrin for children who are either missing out on provision at the moment or who are preparing to attend the Cylch in due course. This will also enrich the existing ‘Cymraeg for Kids’ offer aimed at parents and carers as they introduce the Welsh language to their children.”

At 2.00 pm on Monday, June 1st Gŵyl Dewin a Doti Ddigidol’ (the Dewin and Doti Digital Festival) will be launched over our digital platforms with popular children’s entertainer Martyn Geraint. A short video will be shown every afternoon at 2.00 on the theme ‘Dewin, Doti and the Magic Hat’ from Monday to Friday (1 – 5 June) and a host of children’s activities will be posted on the Facebook page and Mudiad Meithrin’s Twitter account every day after the show.

Iola Jones, Mudiad Meithrin’s Head of Communication and Partnerships, said:

“As Gŵyl Dewin a Doti is an important part of the Cylchoedd Meithrin’s calendar of events we were keen to continue to bring the festival’s content to the children and their families during this difficult time.The Festival will be composed of short, online videos featuring familiar songs sung in our Cylchoedd Meithrin with Martyn Geraint and of course Dewin and Doti – the lovable characters who represent Mudiad Meithrin!”

In addition to the above, Mudiad Meithrin has set up a Facebook/Miri Meithrin group for people to contribute Welsh language materials aimed at young children, and Cymraeg for Kids staff have created over 450 short videos online since the beginning of the pandemic. These can be found on the local Cymraeg for Kids Facebook pages and a playlist can be found on the parents’ page of the Mudiad Welsh@home web page. All the above sessions will be featured on Mudiad’s digital platforms (Facebook / MudiadMeithrin, Twitter @MudiadMeithrin) as well as on a new section on the Mudiad website –www.meithrin.cymru/welshhome/

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