
Wales News Online

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Welsh Government will continue to take ‘cautious’ approach to lockdown

VAUGHAN Gething Welsh Health Minister said at the Welsh Government daily press conference that the “cautious” approach being taken to easing the regulations in Wales would continue. He also stated that he believed its position on managing coronavirus was “overwhelmingly supported by members of the public”.

The minister indicated that the Welsh Government wanted to do something about the “heartache” caused by family members being unable to see each other, if they could.

People in England are already allowed to meet one other person from another household, outdoors, and are advised to remain 2m (6ft) apart.

Mr Gething went on “This week, we’ll have to make another set of choices about the regulations that are in place, what the next set of regulations will look like.

“And you heard the first minister speak last week about understanding the real heartache that this is causing for some families who can’t see other members, and we would like to think about how we could do something on that.

“But I think the cautious approach is still the right one and I think it’s overwhelmingly supported by members of the public.

“You saw, of course the pictures on this weekend of beaches in England that were packed and beaches in Wales where people are following the rules, and understand the importance of doing so to keep all of us safe here in Wales.”

The Welsh Government will announce its new lockdown arrangements and any easing of the regulations at the end of the week.

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