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© COPYRIGHT KIRAN RIDLEY 2007 T: + 44 (0) 7971 287183 E: mail@kiranridley.com TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ANY USE OF THIS IMAGE 1. These terms & conditions shall apply to the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions put foward by the Client or publisher. 2. The Photographer accepts no liability for non-supply of pictures for whatever reason. It is the client's/publishers responsibilty to ensure that all the necessary clearances have been obtained to allow the pictures to be taken without hindrance or infringements of trademarks or copyrights. 3. The Photographer retains full Copyright in all images, at all times throughout the world. 4. The client/publisher may not sell, or distribute or otherwise syndicate any images without written permission from the Photographer. 5. Kiran Ridley is to be credited as the Author of the images. The right to a credit is asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Failure to do so may result in penalty fee of 50% of the original fee to be payed by the publisher. 6. Save for the purpose of production for the licenced use(s), the Photographs may not be stored in any form of electronic medium without the written permission of the Photographer. 7. It is the Client who must satisfy himself / herself that all necessary rights, model releases or consents which may be required for reproduction of people, places or items depicted within any picture are obtained. It is acknowledged that the Supplier gives no warranty or undertaking that any such rights, releases or consents are or will be obtained whether in relation to the use of names, people, trade marks, registered or copyright designs or works of art depicted in any picture. In the event that the picture is used or reproduced by or with the authority of the Client then the Client shall indemnify the Supplier against any loss, damage, proceedings or costs where such rights, releases or consents have not

New website showcasing exiting future when Grand Theatre reopens

SWANSEA Grand Theatre has launched a brand new website and new branding reflecting the changing character of the theatre and the city.

Easy to navigate and book, the website has lots of new features and functions showcasing the variety of entertainment and accompanying activities of the exciting projects and performances that will be on offer once the theatre re-opens to the public when allowed to safely do so under the Welsh Government guidelines.

The theatre’s branding has had a much-needed makeover to bring it in line with the personality of the venue.

Robert Francis-Davies, Cabinet Member for Investment, Regeneration and Tourism, said:

“Despite the significant difficulties that the entertainment industry currently faces and has faced over the past year, we have undertaken many exciting projects behind the scenes since last March and are really looking forward to sharing our dynamic new website and branding with our valued customers and new audiences when we are permitted to re-open.

“Together with the website, branding and our partnership with the Race Council Cymru, the future of Swansea Grand Theatre is looking very colourful and bright.”

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