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Pembrokeshire Council meeting ‘abandoned’ due to technical difficulties

A council planning meeting has been “abandoned” due to technical difficulties today (Tuesday, July 27).

After nearly two hours of trying Pembrokeshire County Council’s planning committee still had members having difficulties with hearing all participants with chairman Cllr Jacob Williams deciding the meeting should be “abandoned.”

The meeting was stopped and restarted twice and following a third attempt to hold the meeting discussions of the plan for 20 lodges at Florence Springs was started, with the application back at committee after a ‘cooling off period’ because members were minded to approve it against officer recommendation.

The plan has been updated with landscaping details and the addition of two fully accessible lodges, the committee was told.

There was again support for the application, although questions were raised about previous conditions on the site that stipulated that bus stop bays should be in place before lodges are occupied.

Local member Cllr Jonathan Preston reiterated his “full support” for the application, adding “the benefits to the local economy are plain to be seen” and this outweigh planning policy.

The meeting was abandoned before a final decision was made about the plan because sound issues reoccurred and “clearly the platform has failed, Public-i has failed the council,” said Cllr Williams, who added “we did try our best.”

Applications due to be discussed today included an HGV parking are in Pembroke Dock, glamping in Llanstadwell, holiday lodges in Penally and a dementia unit at an Ambleston care home.

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