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Pembrokeshire councillors’ votes to be recorded and made public in future

VOTES of council will be recorded – and made public – so residents can see where their elected representative stands on a matter.

A working group had been set up following a notice of motion put forward by Cllr Joshua Beynon

At Pembrokeshire County Council’s full council meeting on Thursday (March 4) Cllr Jacob Williams, chairman of the working group, updated members on discussions had around using an electronic system for recorded votes or all votes apart from secret ballots, as well as how it would work with hybrid meetings.

Cllr Williams said that it was recommended that all votes of council and committee meetings be recorded, apart from approval of minutes or matters for noting, and that all voting results be made available “before the next item of business.”

Cllr Beynon said the decision was a “step in the right direction” adding that when it came to elections councillors should “stand behind our record.”

This was reiterated by Cllr Williams who added “it’s so important people know how we vote, when we vote.”

There was a push from Cllr Jamie Adams to stop holding secret ballots, which he said have “no place in democracy”, adding that “now is the time to put that matter to bed to ensure that all votes including at the AGM are open and accountable, and there for all to see in terms of members of the public.”

He abstained on the vote as this was not included in the recommendations.

Approval was also given to including key contributors in minutes of meetings and the head of legal and democratic services, in consultation with the head of IT , will negotiated an extension to the existing webcasting contract with Public-I, which currently costs £14,987 a year.


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