
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

SCHOOLS across Pembrokeshire were open on Monday for children of key workers with just over two per cent attending.

All 61 local authority schools were open across the county with 364 pupils attending – 2.25 per cent.

This is compared to the usual 9,204 full-time and 989 part-time primary pupils, and 5,992 secondary age pupils – a total of 16,185 – on the school role in January 2019, figures published by the county council.

All schools were provided with guidance to support them and free school meals were provided for all learners who required them.

Transport was made available to all learners but the uptake has been low, said a Pembrokeshire County Council spokesman.

“Over the coming days the Authority will be working closely with our schools to find a fully workable solution going forward to ensure that all our learners continue to be supported,” he added.

Nurseries and Cylch Meithrin also prioritised children of key workers, as identified in Government guidelines, including front-line NHS staff, police, fire service, people involved in delivery and sale of food and the postal service.

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