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Plaid claim Mark Drakeford’s leaflets ‘not bilingual’

PLAID Cymru have claimed that leaflets sent out by Welsh Labour in Mark Drakeford’s constituency have been void of Welsh language.

Plaid Cymru said: Mark Drakeford’s absence of Welsh in his campaign leaflets are yet an example of Labour ‘s “empty words” when it comes to their pledge to create a million Welsh speakers by 2050, Plaid Cymru candidate in Cardiff West Rhys ab Owen said.

Some residents in Cardiff West, Mark Drakeford’s constituency, have received a leaflet including ‘news from your local Labour team’ which has only English language text.

Mr ab Owen, who sends out bilingual correspondence to residents, accused Labour in Wales of “pinning a number but forgetting to show leadership” on Welsh language targets.

In appealing to the First Minister to “meet the needs of Welsh speakers”, Mr ab Owen highlighted that Plaid Cymru would allocate more funding to ensure that the million Welsh speakers target is met, alongside other measures intended to facilitate and support the use of Welsh.
Mr ab Owen said,
“I have been contacted by constituents who find it incredible that a Labour First Minister is failing so many of his constituents in Cardiff West.

“It’s yet another example of empty words on a million Welsh speakers. You cannot justifiably set a target for 2050 and then walk away from personal responsibility.

“By corresponding with residents bilingually, I hope that I’m able to normalise the use of the Welsh language in an area which is so supportive of the language and which has seen an incredible rise in the number of children attending Welsh medium education.

“A Plaid Cymru Government would allocate further funding and raise the status of Prosiect 2050 which will be able to influence policy decisions across all departments, establish new Welsh language spaces (including cultural spaces and workplaces) to give people more opportunity to use the language, and will double the funding for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol in order to reach the 2050 target.”

A Welsh Labour spokesperson said:

“We’re aware that a monolingual version of a leaflet by the local Labour Party has gone out in some areas of Cardiff West.

“Mark’s election leaflets including the freeposts are, and will continue to be, bilingual.”

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