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Plaid Cymru members vote in favour of Co-operation Agreement with Welsh Government

Plaid Cymru members have overwhelmingly approved the Co-Operation Agreement, with 94% voting in favour.

Plaid Cymru members had been given the opportunity to vote on the deal today (Saturday 27 November 2021) during a special session of the party’s virtual annual conference.

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price called it a “huge step forward” for Wales and its democracy.

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price and First Minister Mark Drakeford formally unveiled the Co-operation Agreement on Monday after it was endorsed by the Plaid Cymru and Labour executive committees last week. However, it required ratification by Plaid Cymru members to pass the final hurdle.

Having been ratified by Plaid Cymru members, Co-Operation Agreement will come into effect upon signing by the First Minister and the Leader of Plaid Cymru.

The agreement is a shared policy programme covering 46 areas, ranging from the delivery of free school meals to all primary school pupils; a commitment to take immediate and radical action to address the second homes crisis, to long-term reform of the Senedd.

The two partners – the Welsh Government and the Plaid Cymru Senedd Group – will work together to jointly develop and oversee the delivery of the policies covered by the agreement over the coming three years.

Speaking after the vote Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price MS said,

“This is a huge step forward for Wales and our democracy. The Co-Operation Agreement will bring immediate, tangible and long-term benefit for the people of Wales.

“All primary school children will now receive free school meals; there will be free childcare for all two-year-olds; and radical action to tackle the housing crisis.

“There will be stability payments to support family farms; exploration of an accelerated pathway to net zero by 2035; the creation of Ynni Cymru – a company to expand community-owned renewable energy generation; and a new and reformed Senedd – bigger, more diverse, and gender balanced in law.

“From feeding our children to caring for our elderly, this is a nation-building Programme for Government which will change the lives of thousands of people the length and breadth of our country for the better.

“And none of it would be happening without Plaid Cymru.

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price MS added,

“Almost a quarter of a century ago, people in Wales voted for self-government for Wales, with a promise of a new type of politics. They placed their trust in a new democracy with an instruction to work differently – inclusively and co-operatively.

“In the face of the pandemic and a hostile Conservative government in Westminster – a government determined to do everything it can to undermine our long-contested national institutions – it is in our nation’s interests for the two parties to work together for Wales.

“I am therefore pleased this pioneering Co-operation Agreement is founded on common ground on a range of issues that will make a long-lasting difference to people’s lives. And I cannot wait to get to work, for the people of Wales.”


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