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Plaid Cymru tables statement of opinion in Senedd calling for unpaid carers to be valued in society

PLAID CYMRU, ahead of Carers Week (8 June – 14 June) tabled a statement of opinion in the Senedd calling for unpaid carers to be valued in society.

Carers Week will take place ‘virtually’ between the 8th and 14th June this year.

Plaid Cymru Shadow Health Minister Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said:

“The theme this year is about making caring visible. I am sure we can all agree the importance and value our unpaid carers provide during the current pandemic.

Many unpaid carers are caring behind closed doors and are taking on a great deal of additional caring responsibilities due to the Coronavirus.

“It is disappointing that the Westminster Government has decided to tax the £500 bonus so less money will be going into carers pockets.”

The Welsh Government announced on the 1st of May that all social care workers will get a cash bonus of £500 each at a cost of £32.2m.

Figures show in Wales care is provided by a further 370,000 unpaid carers is worth an estimated £8.1bn to the Welsh economy.

Shadow Minister for Economy, Transport and Tackling Poverty Helen Mary Jones Mid and West MS added:

“Plaid Cymru’s recent Care Commission outlined the need for parity between health and care sectors, particularly when it comes to pay and conditions.

“Carers and their families also must be given the chance to have a holiday to recrupriate after such a stressful period.”

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