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Police awarded ASB Help Pledge for commitment to victims of antisocial behavior

DYFED-POWYS Police has become the first force in Wales to be awarded for its commitment to victims of antisocial behaviour.

The force has signed up to the ASB Help Pledge, which commits officers and staff to giving victims of antisocial behaviour a voice when they feel their case has not been adequately responded to.

Dyfed-Powys Police was awarded the ASB Help Pledge after creating a clear process which enables the force and partners to play an active role in resolving entrenched antisocial behaviour.

Antisocial behaviour coordinator Jess Thomas said “Subscribing to the ASB Pledge demonstrates that we are committed to identifying and supporting victims of antisocial behaviour.

“It validates our enthusiasm to working collaboratively to bring an end to antisocial behaviour, as well as a steadfast determination to deter such behaviour from occurring in the future.

“We have embraced the spirit of the Community Trigger process and we meet our statutory obligations to the community.
“We have ensured that our process encompasses specific timescales for the victims to be updated and the victim is allocated a point of contact for the process.”

The pledge was established to challenge misconceptions around the Community Trigger – also known as an ASB case review – which is a tool to help victims who have reported antisocial behaviour, but are still suffering.

It also helps organisations to create robust and inclusive policies that make it easier for victims to invoke the Community Trigger.
Mrs Thomas said: “A Community Trigger gives the victim a chance to request a review of their case if they have reported antisocial behaviour on three or more occasions in the past six months to either police, local authority or a landlord, and feels no effective action has been taken.

“Victims who have made a report of a hate incident or crime to police are also able to request a review of their case.”
Two triggers have been requested in the force area this year – one of which was requested by police themselves – with training being embedded in

Neighbourhood Policing Teams to ensure all officers and staff are aware of the process.
In signing the pledge, the force has committed to raising awareness of the Community Trigger, ensure the most vulnerable are aware of how they can invoke it, and establish a precedent of putting victims first.

Temporary Chief Constable Claire Parmenter said: “I’m pleased that the work officers and staff are carrying out in relation to the Community Trigger has received this recognition.

“We know that cases of repeat antisocial behaviour can have a negative impact on people’s lives, and responding to these incidents is one of our priorities.

“I am grateful for the recognition of the steps we have taken to give victims a voice in ensuring their case is being considered appropriately.”
Rebecca Brown, Chief Executive of ASB Help said: “Dyfed-Powys Police has worked closely with ASB Help to develop a robust and comprehensive Community Trigger policy and procedure.

“They have demonstrated their steadfast commitment to put victims at the heart of their neighbourhood policing strategy and proactively bring an end to vulnerable victims of antisocial behaviour suffering in silence.”


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