
Wales News Online

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Police encourage ‘vulnerable people’ to engage with council and voluntary sector

SOUTH Wales Police are working closely with Cardiff Council and the voluntary sector in supporting vulnerable people on our streets.

They are encouraging vulnerable people to engage with the many support agencies and outreach services that are available in Cardiff.

South Wales Police are aware of concerns about alcohol and drug related anti-social behaviour within the city centre, particularly on St Mary Street.

Such behaviour can prove intimidating, unpleasant and unwelcoming to those visiting or working in the area.

Robustly tackling these issues remain a daily priority for the City Centre Policing Team and there has been a reduction of over 30% in incidents of anti-social behaviour.

In addition, there have been more than 270 arrests since 1st September, with over 230 stop searches.

As well as uniformed officers patrolling the streets, they also have a plain-clothes team that regularly patrol the city centre to target those who seek to commit crime.

In addition to these daily patrols, the street is monitored 24/7 by CCTV operators and they have a number of on-going specific operations.

These include:

Operation Caspian – supporting homeless people by providing the offer of intervention and referrals to partner agencies.

Operation Castor – tackling bike crime through education and enforcement.

Operation Sceptre – addressing serious violence.

Operation Mistletoe – providing high visibility patrols for reassurance and to deal with antisocial or disorderly behaviour during December.

If anyone has concerns please always contact South Wales Police on 101 for non-urgent matters or 999 in an emergency.

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