
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

The Royal Welsh Show is back with a vengeance. After a three year absence due to Covid-19 this was the first time the farming community could really come together without being in a virtual show environment.

At 10am the show was officially opened by the President Harry Featherstonhaugh OBE watched on by First Minister Mark Drakeford and Leslie Griffiths MS. 

Temperatures soared quickly as the morning wore on with the water dispensers in full flow. Thankfully there was some shade around the show ground and most sensible people headed there to shelter from the intense heat.

The King’s Troop had to postpone their appearance as it was just too hot for the horses. They will make an appearance later in the evening.

As usual the walkways were packed with farming folk and industry business representatives, bank, charities and ice cream vans. The halls were full of stalls selling just about everything in Wales and there were activities for the whole family to enjoy. Here too there was some shade. 

Some of the displays were shorter than usual because of the heat and there were water breaks for the animals and handlers.

Meirion Owen’s Quackpack was reduced to a faithful dog as Avian Flu took its toll. One of the highlights of the day was Paul Hannam’s stunt show. A veritable feast of petrol and noise criss crossing the main ring leaping over 4×4’s and somersaulting 360 degree rolls to add to the excitement.

There was a flypast by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight consisting of Hurricanes and Spitfires. Blink and you missed them but it was a wonderful sight just the same.

The Royal Welsh Mounted Games Team took to the main ring and the horsemanship was extraordinary. Teams from across Europe including France, Poland and Luxembourg were represented as were Ukraine whose team received a rousing welcome from the main stand.

The Falcons Parachute Display Team made one of the best entrances to the main ring spiraling down from the sky leaving a trail of pink smoke and trailing the Union Jack emblazoned with RAF.

A horse drawn carriage really looked resplendent as it made its way around the main ring looking like it was about to stop and pick up passengers and whizz off to some far off destination like Carmarthen or Cardiff. For many it would have been far more impressive than the latest electric car and with the added bonus of fertilizer for the garden in abundance supplied by those magnificent horses pulling it along. 

There is more to come as the afternoon temperatures hit record highs. The first day has been a triumph for the organisers who allowed judges and stewards to remove their blazers breaking tradition.

If you are coming to the show bring a fan, bring an umbrella and a decent water carrier for yourself and any pets. The heat is set to continue tomorrow.

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Photos. Elkanah Evans and Noah Evans 

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