
Wales News Online

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Sex offender sent to prison for 16 years

A 54 year-old man from Basildon in Essex has been sent to prison for 16 years after being convicted of five sexual offences against a child.

Sean Harknett was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court today (Tuesday 29th April).

After sentencing Detective Inspector Andrew Paddison from Bridgend CID, said: “Sean Harknett was a registered Sex Offender and today he has received a substantial prison sentence for his dreadful crimes.

“I want to pay particular tribute to the victim who demonstrated tremendous bravery throughout this police investigation and Detective Constable Natasha O’Rourke who worked with the victim to bring this offender to justice.

“Investigating sexual violent offences is a priority for South Wales Police and we are committed to investigating all reports of sexual abuse – regardless of when they occurred – in order to ensure that those who exploit the most vulnerable members of society are brought to justice.

“I want to reassure victims that we have specially trained officers who recognise that contacting us can be a very big step, they will treat you with sensitivity and respect and will work tirelessly to bring your offender to justice.

“We urge people to be aware that child abuse does happen and anyone with concerns should get in touch with us. You can do this by calling 101 or alternatively by calling Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

“I welcome today’s sentence and I hope this reassures the public that South Wales Police will never tolerate sexual violence in any capacity.”

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