
Wales News Online

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Success for Carmarthenshire’s Sixth Form students

THE number of students achieving success in their A-Levels increased again this year in Carmarthenshire sixth form schools with a quarter of all grades awarded (25.1 per cent) at A*- A.

The commitment and dedication shown by students and schools has resulted in 75.3 per cent of entries being awarded A*- C and 97.5 per cent awarded A*-E.

The successful outcomes are also reflected in the AS Level grades with over 90 per cent of entries being awarded an A-E grade.

The number of entries for AS and A Level examinations also continues to increase, bucking the national trend and preparing students well for their future learning and career pathways.

The results have been welcomed by Carmarthenshire County Council education chiefs who say the high quality support and guidance received by students across the county’s schools continues to impact positively on progress and standards.

Cllr Glynog Davies, Executive Board Member for Education, said: “Students in Carmarthenshire are very well prepared by our schools for the rigorous demands of the AS and A level examinations, as well as the broad range of vocational courses successfully delivered by our secondary schools. Students achieve highly as a result and are well prepared for their future goals and aspirations.

“Education in Wales continues to undergo significant change and reform, reflecting the changing needs of our communities and our country. The AS and A Level grades achieved by our pupils this year reflect, yet again, the successful partnership working between students, families, schools and the county council, equipping students with an aspirational range of learning opportunities.

“On behalf of Carmarthenshire County Council I wholeheartedly congratulate all of our students on the progress that they have made throughout their educational careers to date, and on the grades that they have achieved. We wish you every success for the future.”

Director of Education and Children’s services, Gareth Morgans, added: “The results achieved across Carmarthenshire this year once again reflect the dedication of our students and staff’s commitment to inclusion that is focused strongly on maximising the achievement and wellbeing of every individual pupil. High quality, inspirational teaching prepares students well, ensuring that they develop the resilience and positive work ethic necessary to support them in their future studies and careers. I would like to sincerely congratulate them on all that they have achieved.

“The number of students achieving A*-A grades increased again this year reflecting the high expectations that we, and our schools, have of our young people.

“Warmest congratulations to all who have contributed so positively towards today’s success. Our students have many exciting decisions to make as they embrace their future journeys.”


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