
Wales News Online

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COUNCILLORS in Swansea are calling for safety measures on three residential roads in Uplands after a motorcyclist was involved in a collision with a car.

Cllr Mary Sherwood said Sunday night’s incident was the latest of “all too frequent” collisions on Bernard Street and others nearby.

She praised residents who helped out, including registered nurse Alys Einion and first-aider Rob Stanford.

“Alys and Rob were calm and professional,” said Cllr Sherwood.

“They kept the casualty warm and safe while we waited for emergency services. Other neighbours helped by providing blankets and diverting traffic, which continued to approach at alarming speeds.”

She added: “Collisions are all too frequent along Bernard Street, and others nearby.”

She claimed visibility at the intersections was very poor, partly because double yellow lines had been shortened to allow additional roadside parking.

Drivers coming out of the side streets, she said, struggled to see what was coming.

Dr Einion said the casualty did not appear to have suffered bad injuries, but that it was the second Bernard Street collision she’d witnessed since lockdown.

A Welsh Ambulance Service spokesman confirmed it attended a collision on Bernard Street shortly after 10 pm on Sunday, August 2.

“We sent one rapid response vehicle and one emergency ambulance,” he said. “One patient was taken to Morriston Hospital for further treatment.”

Meanwhile, a Bernard Street resident said he’d seen a motorcyclist in collision with a car at the Bernard Street-Glanbrydan Avenue junction two months ago.

The resident said: “The streets are always quite busy with traffic – and with so many parked cars it narrows the road and affects visibility. Anything to improve this situation would be welcome.”

Cllr Sherwood’s Uplands ward colleague, Cllr Nick Davies, claimed Ernald Place and Pantygwydr Rd, which run parallel to Bernard Street, were also “known hot-spots” but that Bernard St was a particular worry.

He said help was badly needed from the council to make them safer.

“We have been in discussion with council officers, looking at ways to do this,” said Cllr Davies.

“We appeal to everyone to be cautious here, while we assess speeds and discuss with officers how junction visibility can be improved.”

A spokesman for Swansea Council said: “Our road safety team will be liaising with the police to see if there are any recommendations as a result of their inquiry into this accident.”

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