
Wales News Online

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WNP Calls for a Welsh Constitution for All

WNP Leader Neil McEvoy called on the Welsh Government to support writing a Welsh Constitution and a bill of Rights. The Member of the Senedd for South Wales Central asked a topical question in the Senedd about community cohesion in light of the murder of George Floyd in the US.

Neil McEvoy described the common experiences of racism for many people in Wales, including violent attacks, wrongful arrest, racial slurs and negative stereotyping. He also highlighted the few numbers of professional staff of colour in the Senedd itself.

Neil McEvoy said,

“Progress though is being made. But maybe we should look back to go into the future.

The Welsh National Party believes that Wales should have a constitution, with a bill of rights, where we can all sign up to being Welsh, defining what unites us. We can all choose to be Welsh.

Our foremothers and fathers in Tiger Bay, where my mother grew up, led the way in showing how we can all live together in harmony. Will you support defining in law what it is to be Welsh through a constitution? ”

Neil McEvoy described the murder of George Floyd as horrific and hoped that his legacy would be social change throughout the world.

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