
Wales News Online

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DOG fouling can spoil everyone’s enjoyment of the great outdoors.

This is especially true of an area such as Ceredigion where we have superb beaches, wonderful country and urban paths to explore and enjoy. As well as being unpleasant to look at, or worse step in, dog fouling can also be dangerous.

During 2021 we will be raising awareness of the issues caused by dog fouling and looking to positively influence behaviours so that all dog owners deal with their best friend’s waste legally and responsibly.

We will be using materials, including specially designed signage and stencils, across Ceredigion on a temporary basis to make a visible impression and set out a clear message: Your Dog Your Job.

The campaign will be focused at known hot spots and include parks, paths as well as streets and other public areas. The initiative was recently launched at Cardigan.

Cllr Dafydd Edwards, the Cabinet member for Highways and Environmental Services together with Housing said: “We would like to thank all those responsible dog owners who do the right thing and would encourage everyone to play their part in ensuring that Ceredigion is kept clean. I would also like to remind dog owners that bagged dog waste can be put in any general on street litter bins in Ceredigion. This makes it as easy as possible for people to dispose of their dog waste in a legal and responsible manner.”

Your Dog Your Job supports Caru Ceredigion whereby everyone can play a positive proactive part in doing things which are good for them, their communities and Ceredigion. This will ensure that Ceredigion continues to be a fantastic place to live and visit and helps maintains the positive profile it deserves.

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