
Wales News Online

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Minister for Economy, Ken Skates on the latest Labour Market Statistics

COMMENTING on today’s Labour Market Statistics, Economy Minister Ken Skates said:

“While it’s encouraging to see the unemployment rate improve slightly in Wales, we recognise the very real impact coronavirus continues to have on people and businesses.

“As a government, we are doing all we can to protect firms and livelihoods. Our £2bn plus business support package continues to be vital in helping firms through these difficult times and has already safeguarded more than 160,000 jobs. Just this month we announced an additional £150m to help businesses and protect employment in the worst effected sectors and we have extended apprenticeship incentives to ensure this important career route remains open to people across Wales.

“We know the months ahead will continue to be challenging for our communities and businesses and our Economic Resilience and Reconstruction Mission will be crucial in rebuilding our economy, creating new opportunities and sustaining existing jobs. To support businesses into the next financial year we have set aside an additional £200m for business support and we have extended the rates holiday for eligible businesses for a further 12 months which, in combination with our existing Small Business Rates Relief scheme, will ensure that in excess of 70,000 businesses will continue to pay no rates until April 2022.”23 Maw 2021

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