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Mudiad Meithrin appoints five new members to Board of Directors

MUDIAD Meithrin is very pleased to announce that five new members have been appointed to join our Board of Directors. Following an open process, members of the public were invited to apply to join the Board. Here are a few details about the successful applicants. (See the ‘Additional Notes’ below for their full profiles). We very much look forward to their contributions over the next five years.

Elin Maher – Elin comes from the village of Clydach, but is now settled in Newport. She has worked within several Welsh educational organisations. She is on the verge of completing an M.A. in Bilingualism and Multilingualism, whilst working as a freelance language and education consultant.

Gwenno George – The Board of Director’s new Treasurer. Gwenno comes originally from Cricieth. After graduating from Cardiff University, she began her professional career as a Finance Officer for Plaid Cymru, before later qualifying as an accountant. She is now Chief Financial Officer for a nationwide legal company based in Cardiff.

Savanna Jones – Savanna comes from Cardiff, where she continues to live as she studies for her Master’s degree at Bath University. She also works as a Higher Education Widening Access and Inclusion Manager, and has previously worked with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol as part of her role on the Funding Council. Savanna also has volunteered for the Red Cross.

Colin Nosworthy – Colin originally comes from Llandrindod Wells, but now lives in Aberystwyth working as a Communications Officer for the university there. Prior to this he worked for Cymdeithas yr Iaith and the Welsh Parliament. He is a graduate of Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford University and has legal qualifications from the University of South Wales and Cardiff University.

Huw Marshall – Huw Marshall has almost thirty years’ experience within the creative industry, specialising on the provision of services for children and young people. He is the founder of ‘Yr Awr Gymraeg’ – a Twitter account which promotes Welsh-medium activities and events every Wednesday between 8-9pm.

Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan, Chair of Mudiad Meithrin’s Board of Directors, said,

“The contribution of volunteers is one of Mudiad Meithrin’s great strengths, and this is true on a national level as well as underpinning our grassroots provision. As an organisation, we are fortunate that we are able to attract individuals willing to give of their time and expertise. It gives me great pleasure to welcome Elin, Gwenno, Savanna, Colin and Huw to serve as members of our Board of Directors, and I’m sure that we will benefit greatly from their various talents.”

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