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North Wales deserves Police and Crime Commissioner who acts with honesty and integrity says Liz Saville Roberts MP

PLAID Cymru Westminster leader criticises Tory lies during PCC election campaign

Plaid Cymru’s Westminster leader and MP for Dwyfor Meirionnydd, Liz Saville Roberts, has today said that the north needs a Police and Crime Commissioner who acts with “honesty and integrity” in light of the evidence of the Conservatives making inaccurate statements during the campaign.

Ms. Saville Roberts was responding to reports that the Conservative candidate for the North Wales Police area, Pat Astbury, has been reprimanded twice by Police Area Returning Officer for North Wales Colin Everett for an “inaccurate” statement and for having “privileged access” to Police Minister Kit Malthouse MP.

In a video with Mr. Malthouse, Ms. Astbury had called herself “your local Police and Crime Commissioner” rather than as a candidate. The Conservative candidate also incorrectly described herself as a “local councillor” in Conservative communication to voters.

Liz Saville Roberts MP said:

“Police and Crime Commissioners have a duty to lead by example with honesty and integrity. It is regrettable that the Conservatives’ casual relationship with the truth seen by Boris Johnson seems to extend to their PCC candidates too.

“The people of North Wales deserve a Police and Crime Commissioner who will treat the position with the seriousness needed, not someone who spins and distort facts for political gain.

“Ann Griffith, Plaid Cymru’s PCC candidate for North Wales has the values needed for the position, given her four years’ experience working as deputy PCC and her background as a registered social worker. From working extensively with the police across every county in the north on issues like child protection, safeguarding older people and people with a mental health problem – she understands more than anyone the need for accountability and integrity within the police.”

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