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Plaid Cymru responds to news that all pupils will return to school in September

PLAID Cymru have responded to the news that school children will return to school in September.

Siân Gwenllian MS, Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister for Education, Culture and the Welsh Language said:

“The announcement of a plan to reopen schools for all children in Wales is welcome if not long overdue.

“While it is not clear why the announcement has taken so long when Scotland and Northern Ireland published their guidance back in early May and June, this will be good news for pupils’ education as the interaction between pupil and their teacher is of paramount importance to their learning and well-being.

“Schools will now have just over 50 days to prepare their premises to welcome all pupils back safely, and I, like others, await the full guidance from Welsh Government.

“The creation of 900 new posts is also welcome news for the sector. The quicker these can be established throughout our education system, the better able we’ll be to address the attainment gap and ensure no child has been left behind from this pandemic.”

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