
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Rebecca Evans welcomes new funding for road safety

GOWER Assembly Member, Rebecca Evans AM, has welcomed over a million pounds of Welsh Government funding for road safety and safe routes in Swansea.

The announcement comes as part of grant funding totalling nearly £11m to improve safe routes in communities and road safety across Wales. 

Rebecca Evans AM said: “Improving the infrastructure to ensure that it is as easy, safe and enjoyable as possible for people to walk or cycle is really important. 

“I am delighted to see areas of Gower benefiting from Safe Routes in Communities funding, including £329,000 for Clydach.”

There will be more than £120,000 additional funding to deliver a number of road safety programmes across Swansea, including programmes for cyclists and new drivers.

Rebecca Evans AM added: “Wales received international acclaim and recognition for its world-leading Active Travel legislation for good reason. Walking or cycling is great for wellbeing, and as well as being good for the environment and a way of tackling traffic build-up. I am glad to see our aspirations being backed up by investment.”

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