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Retired teacher standing against cousin for Cardiff Central Senedd seat

RETIRED teacher, Clem Thomas is standing for the new party, Gwlad in Cardiff Central against his young cousin, Calum Davies.

A Gwlad spokesperson said: “Clem is standing against Calum, one of the young Conservatives keen to abolish the Assembly and allow wales to revert to it’s status as a province of England governed only by Westminster.

“Clem is a cousin of Senedd Member Suzy Davies, Calum’s mother, who has been marginalised by the Conservative Party in such a way that she will be very unlikely to retain her Senedd seat..

“Clem was one of the founder members of the Gwlad Party,,which was formed in Llanelli in 2018 at a meeting at Sandy Hall. Gwlad is registered with the electorlal Commsiion as Gwlad – the Welsh Independence Party.( in welsh, Gwlad – Plaid Annibyniaeth Cymru) .

“Gwlad is standing 20 candidates across Wales, 4 on every regional list, and also in 12 constituencies. Cardiff Central is also significant as it is one of the seats in which Gwlad stood in the December 2019 General election, when Plaid Cymru gave up standing in 4 welsh constituencies in favour of the liberal Democrats and Greens.

“Gwlad is an Independence Party which is concentrating on building up Wales to be ready for independence. All sorts of people from different backgrounds have joined us, all wanting to work together for the good of Wales.

“Clem, a retired teacher and factory manager who emigrated to Trinidad,,now lives in Dafen with his West Indian wife Jasmine. They have a daughter, Sabrina. Clem , now in his 80’s had thought he had retired from active politics,.and in recent years he has successfully battled throat cancer.

“Clem was so outraged by the behaviour of Calum in rejecting Welsh devolution, and the treatment of Calum’s mother, by the Conservatives, that he felt he must make a stand against this Conservative “Abolish” position. Clem has been a lifelong nationalist and a Plaid Cymru Rural councillor sine returning home to Wales. Despite their political differences he admires his cousin Suzy as a good Assembly Member whose views were always measured and sensible.”

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