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Tories and Plaid Cymru record out of tune with Wales’ needs claim Welsh Labour

Welsh Labour have claimed victory in the ITV Leader’s Debate and slammed both the Welsh Conservatives and Plaid Cymru for their record in Wales  and manifesto for the 2021 Senedd Elections.

In a statement Welsh Labour said: “If there’s one thing to take away from tonight’s debate, it’s that Welsh Labour are the only party serious about government.

“Mark Drakeford showed he has the experience and the plan to get Wales through the pandemic and to build a fairer nation.

“Welsh Labour will invest in new green infrastructure; support the regeneration of our town centres after Covid; support businesses with the finance they need to thrive and invest in the sustainable green industries of tomorrow – innovative housing, renewable energy, and new digital technologies.

“Andrew RT Davies was all at sea on the big issues. Stubbornly lodged between loyalty to his London bosses and his record of repeatedly voting against keeping Wales safe.

“The Tories in the Senedd have voted against measures to keep Wales safe time and again. They cannot be trusted to do the job needed to get us through the pandemic.

“Adam Price failed to say how he would pay for his never ending wishlist. The economists who checked Plaid’s manifesto said it “had not been specified in any detail” and could not say if “the spending is adequate to achieve the desired results.”
Both the Tories and Plaid are united in their commitments to cut services in Wales.

“Electing the Tories in Wales will mean cuts to community policing in Wales

The Conservative party doesn’t believe in Wales and Plaid Cymru doesn’t believe in the UK. Welsh Labour believes in both. – Mark Drakeford

“Andrew RT Davies has refused to rule out cuts to community policing and other important things that Welsh Labour funds. In scrapping spending in non-devolved areas, the Tories will cut

Major broadband and digital investment
Emergency payments to families in need
500 Police Community Support Officers
Support for Veterans
Support for Welsh businesses
Supporting young people study abroad
Crucial support to tackle violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence
Support for the Wales for Africa programme

Plaid Cymru’s £200m cut and uncosted wishlist

“We all know that Plaid’s manifesto doesn’t add up. But they’re solidly committed to cutting Welsh budgets.

“Plaid have committed to making ‘1% efficiency savings’. If applied across the Welsh Government budget this would mean a £200m cut to existing plans.

“You cannot protect public services in the middle of a pandemic and slash £200m from the Welsh budget for new commitments.

That is more than the uplift in the local government settlement this year (£176m)
It is close to half of the uplift to the core (non COVID) NHS & Social Services Budget for this year (£420m)
We are spending £100m on the Pupil Deprivation Grant this year.
This is more than the budget for the Housing Support Grant (£166m)
It is greater than the budget for arts, culture, museums, libraries, sport and the Welsh language combined (£176m).

If the 1% cut is applied across the term, this could mean £1bn less for public services and business support without a word from Plaid on where the axe would fall.

New jobs for Wales through our social homes building programme

“We will use our investment in building the low carbon housing of the future to create new green jobs and new green training opportunities in construction and the supply chain, including through building 20,000 new, low carbon social homes for rent – that alone will create 19,000 jobs and 6,000 new training opportunities.

“We will create new opportunities through the supply chain and use materials that are manufactured here in Wales, with support for a new Welsh timber based industrial strategy.

“Welsh Labour continues to spend more on mental health services than on any other part of the Welsh NHS.

“The Welsh Labour Government has invested in mental health services throughout the pandemic, focusing on easy-to-access care and children’s and young people’s services to make sure support is available for all. But we know there’s more to do.

“Welsh Labour’s NHS Recovery Plan will set out how services will need to develop to meet this need including significantly strengthening lower level, preventative mental health support and developing a clearer multi agency pathway for crisis care and support, including for children and young people. We will also develop stronger ‘Reach-In’ services in schools, building on our whole school approach.”


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