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Tories in Wales offer ‘thinnest of gruel’ says Labour’s Carolyn Harris

WELSH Labour’s Deputy Leader has warned voters to reject the “cronyism and pork barrel politics” of the Tories and warned that a vote for anyone other than Welsh Labour risks letting the Tories in by the back door.

Speaking after Welsh Labour launched its ambitious manifesto Moving Wales Forward, Harris declared that the Tories in Wales won’t stand up to their London bosses, saying “their mantra is as predictable as it is pathetic: ‘for Wales, see England’.”

Harris’ full speech will premiere online on at 12pm on Welsh Labour’s Facebook Page alongside speeches from Welsh Labour’s Finance Minister Rebecca Evans, Delyn candidate Hannah Blythyn and a replaying of Mark Drakeford’s full manifesto launch speech.

Carolyn Harris MP, Deputy Leader of Welsh Labour said:

“Our manifesto stands in stark contrast to the woeful lack of ambition from the Tories in Wales.

“Theirs is the thinnest of gruel, soured even further by their relentless obsession with talking down our nation.

“We know they won’t stand up to their London bosses. And their mantra is as predictable as it is pathetic: ‘for Wales, see England’.

“This is a proposition that we must reject, absolutely.

“We don’t want the cronyism and pork barrel politics of Boris Johnson’s Government here in Wales.

“Nor do we want the divisive hateful rhetoric of Priti Patel.

“And we don’t want an education system in Wales like that of England, where the English education secretary, Gavin Williamson, has the gall to pin the blame for his failings on the very kids the Tories have let down.

“Ours is not a country that chucks millions in public contracts to private firms, while hundreds of thousands of kids go hungry in the school holidays.

“And be under no illusions, at this election, the threats from both the Tories and their allies in Abolish, are all too real.

“A vote for anyone other than Welsh Labour risks letting the Tories in by the back door.

“It’s not scaremongering. It’s not politicking. It’s simply telling it like it is.

“And I for one will fight with all I have to keep Tory hands off our schools, our NHS, and our communities.

“So let’s resolve again, today, to do everything we can to deliver the Welsh Labour Government we know Wales needs.”

Pic. Chris McAndrew, CC BY 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

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