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‘We Must Unite To Defeat Covid-19’, says leader of Carmarthenshire Labour Group

The Leader of the Welsh Labour Group in Carmarthenshire has called for community unity in the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus. In a statement issued today, Saturday (Mar 21) Cllr Rob James said:

“The attention of the nation this month is firmly on the Coronavirus pandemic, as governments, local authorities, our NHS and community organisations seek to tackle the invisible enemy.

“It’s fair to say that we find ourselves in uncharted waters.

“In a short period of time, we have gone from a public awareness campaign on hand washing to the mass closure of day centres, theatres, museums, libraries and schools across Carmarthenshire and the UK.

“The First Minister has stated that further Government intervention could be forthcoming, using powers under the Coronavirus Act to restrict the liberty of the populace in benefit of public health. These decisions are not being taken lightly and they are essential in our fight to ensure that we tackle the proliferation of the virus.

“I have personally been heartened by the public’s response in recent weeks to this crisis.

“In Carmarthenshire alone, thousands of local residents and businesses have been organising online and offline to support the most vulnerable in our society during these difficult times.

“As local Councillors and as an authority, we will be on the frontline supporting our communities, yet it is only with communities acting as one that we will be able to meet this challenge – by the strength of our common endeavour, we achieve more than we achieve alone.

“Our nation has demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity on many occasions and the common enemy that we now face, will require our resilience, compassion and our solidarity once more.

“Let us rekindle the community spirit exhibited during the miners strikes, where communities rallied together and supported one another.

“Let us remember the infamous ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ mantra, especially when it comes to the unnecessary stock pilling that is occurring. As has been stated many times, there is no reason for any of us to stock pile or panic-buy, and this behaviour is hurting the most vulnerable and our hardworking NHS workers that are struggling to buy milk after 48 hours shifts.

“Now, more than ever, it is important that we come together and support each other through what will be one of the toughest periods of our lives.”

There are several ways in which you can help beat Coronavirus:

Wash your hands often, each time for twenty seconds; use tissues when coughing; and avoiding touching your face to reduce the risk of catching Coronavirus.
If you exhibit symptoms of Coronavirus, a high temperature and/or a new, continuous cough then please self isolate for seven days from when the symptoms started. If you live with others and you or one of them have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days.
If you would like to help those that are self isolating, please contact Carmarthenshire Council on (01267) 234567
If you require support, or know of anyone that is struggling, contact Delta Wellbeing on 0300 333 2222

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