
Wales News Online

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Welsh Labour’s Vaughan Gething says “The Secret Tory Manifesto” highlights damage Tories would do to Welsh economy

WELSH Labour today (Wednesday 14 April) highlighted what the Tories would do to Welsh communities with the publication of ‘The Secret Tory Manifesto’.

The document shows the scale of planned Tory cuts to Wales and spelled out the terrible impact they would have on Welsh jobs and the economy.

Cuts include:

Major rail investments

Major broadband and digital investment

Emergency payments to families in need

600 Police Community Support Officers

Support for Veterans

Support for Welsh businesses

Supporting young people study abroad

Crucial support to tackle violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence

Support for the Wales for Africa programme

Welsh Labour’s Vaughan Gething said:

“The real choice at this election – as the numbers, the polling and the voter conversations tell us – is between Welsh Labour and the Tories in Wales.

“We all know that the Tories in Wales won’t stand up to their London bosses. They never put the economic interests of Wales first, and will never speak out when Tory policies hit jobs in Wales.

“And that’s why we have a duty to shine a light on just what a Tory Welsh Government would mean for our economy and for Welsh jobs.

“As ‘The Secret Tory Manifesto’ shows, the Tories pose a very real risk to Welsh jobs, the Welsh economy and Welsh Communities.

“From broadband to rail, from police support officers to tackling violence against women and girls; the Tory axe would see over £230 million slashed from Wales.

“Each pound that the Tories cut is a threat to Welsh jobs and the Welsh economy.”

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